Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle non-invasive method of enhancing the cranial sacral system. What does that really mean?
Simple ... it is a way to get the body's rhythm flowing in harmony to bringing a sense of balance, ease and wellness. Cranial Sacral Therapy began as Cranial Osteopathy, a therapy developed by Dr. John Upledger, an Osteopathic doctor at Michigan State University. The more Dr. Upledger worked with the cranial sacral system, the more he began experiencing a “tidal” motion”. This motion is tapping into an energy system created by the flow cerebral spinal fluid and bring homeostasis to the entire body.
Who can benefit from a CST treatment? Everyone, especially if Most specifically if you have suffered from chronic pain or with any of the below:
- Headaches or Migraines
- Sinus problems
- Back or Neck pain
- Arthritis or Bone spurs
- Disc herniation
- Spinal fusion
- Scoliosis, Lordosis , Kyphosis
- Vertigo or dizziness
- Ringing in the ears
- Lack of short term memory or focus
- Visual Disturbance
The cranial sacral system is not only what bathes the brain and spinal cord, but it bisects the brain it self. Every nerve, tissue and cell is effected by this rhythm. Our brain, nervous system, and body's overall health relys on the production and absorption of this fluid. CST is a gentle way of bringing this rhythm back to balance.