A Total Body Balance Session is a combination of a Thai massage, Shitsu massage and a joint massage. The main difference is that TBB focus on healing deep adhesion's in connective tissue, organs and bones. Using long levers of arms and legs to relax the muscles, fascia (including the fascia of both the craniosacral system and visceral system), joints, and ligaments to improve circulation, nerve, and energy flow, thus normalizing sympathetic and parasympathetic neurological activity with a goal of creating a new homeodynamic state.
The focus is on reducing muscle tension, fascial tension (including the fascial influence of both the craniosacral system and visceral system), increasing joint mobility, and helping to restore proper joint bio-mechanics, functional range of motion, balancing lines of tension and postural alignment.
This long lever approach influences all systems of the body. improving and balancing organ mobility/motility, blood, lymph, body fluids, nerve, and energy flow while reducing swelling and pain.